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Slimline LS: Installation Overview

The Slimline LS was designed to mount in a living area, fitting into the often unused space between the cellar door and ceiling, giving the collector maximum storage capacity.

220V High Efficiency Condenser: How To Prep For Install

Here’s all you need to know to prep the 220V High Efficiency (H.E.) Condenser for proper installation.

UV-C Lighting System Installation

In this video, we are going to discuss how to install our new UV-C Lighting System, which is explained in a simple 9-step process. For more detailed UV-C installation instructions, please refer to your system’s owner manual.

WhisperKOOL Split System Installation – 110V Copeland Condenser

Ensure proper installation of our 110V Condenser Split System Wine Cellar Cooling Units by viewing our easy-to-follow video guides.

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